Environment Agency

The Environment Agency
United Kingdom

Partnership actions tagged by Environment Agency

Displaying 1 - 30 of 73
To have communities that enjoy, engage with and protect the river
Ensure the river is well-valued and understood by the local community
Sub catchment Status
Develop a citizen science project with the local community to provide intelligence on river issues. Darent Proposed
Ensure stakeholders are aware and can contribute to the catchment improvement process
Sub catchment Status
Deliver annual surveying events with partner organisations Cray and Shuttle Active
To restore the river to a more naturally functioning watercourse
To better understand in-river structures, their purpose and potential impacts
Sub catchment Status
Publish article describing how weirs affect fish communities. Completed View
Enhance river hydromorphology and biodiversity
Sub catchment Status
Work up designs, secure permissions and deliver habitat improvement works Teise Active View
Restoration of the River Darent through Central Park by weir removal, channel narrowing to recreate chalk stream habitats. Darent Active View
habitat restoration (in-channel, riparian, associated floodplain meadows) to help achieve Good Ecological Status in the River Darent Darent Proposed View
Investigate reasons for and options for removal of concrete amourment of channel below the M26 bridge Darent Proposed
Delivery of river restoration on the Hammer Stream Beult Completed View
Add woody debris and berm deflector to increase flow diversity at Bayham L'Eglise. Teise Completed View
Restore habitat at Harpers Weir Teise Completed View
Adjustment to flow regimes from Bewl water Teise View
Prevent bank erosion and mitigate against potential flooding
Sub catchment Status
Prevent bank erosion adjacent to Love Lane allotments Cray and Shuttle Completed
To have an appropriate self-sustaining fish population
Protect fisheries and promote responsible angling
Sub catchment Status
Liaise with angling clubs to deliver fishing related training and guidance. Cray and Shuttle Active
Sub catchment Status
Work with farming community to tackle diffuse pollution issues Darent Proposed
Habitat restoration to help achieve Good Ecological Potential in the Hammer Stream Beult Completed View
Improve fish passage at Harpers Weir by removal of redundant structure Teise Completed View
The river should support a mosaic of habitats with high biodiversity value
Eradicate and control Invasive non-native flora
Sub catchment Status
Delivery Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) programme across the Medway catchment. Beult Active View
Develop a network of volunteers to monitor Invasive Non-Native Species. Beult Proposed View
Improve condition and biodiversity of riparian areas
Sub catchment Status
Identify locations for riparian habitat creation in partnership with landowners Beult Proposed View
Deliver tree work and habitat enhancements at Brooklands Lakes Darent Completed
Deliver tree work upstream of Farningham to increase light to the channel Darent Completed
Deliver tree work upstream of Lullingstone to increase light levels to the channel Darent Completed
Protect and enhance the habitats of the river corridor & floodplain
Sub catchment Status
Investigate options for renaturalising the river at Hall Place and Gardens Cray and Shuttle Completed
To improve water quality
Tackling urban diffuse pollution
Sub catchment Status
Investigate mitigating water quality issues from motorway run-off Darent Proposed
Tackling Diffuse Pollution
Sub catchment Status
Reedbed creation to mitigate surface run off entering the River Cray at Priory Ponds in Orpingon. Cray and Shuttle Completed
Deliver silt trap and wetland treatment train in Dobb's Field to address sediment and nutrient loading of pond from upstream catchment, following South East Rivers Trust investigation and outline design report, to address the 'un-favourable' - no change state of this SSSI. Eden Active View
To develop sustainable water management within the catchment
Reduce the impact of flooding
Sub catchment Status
Natural flood management at Bedgebury Pinetum to reduce flood risk downstream and offer additional benefits. Teise Completed View
Natural flood management at Sissinghurst to reduce flood risk downstream and offer additional benefits. Beult Completed View
Natural flood management at Pembury Woods to reduce flood risk downstream and offer additional benefits. Middle Medway Completed View
Natural flood management at Reeds Farm to reduce flood risk downstream and offer additional benefits. Middle Medway Completed View
